Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Degree Burn part 2

The burn on my hand kept me up all night. I was getting up every hour to change the ice. After I got the ice I would lay really still in an attempt to keep it balanced on my wrist. I felt like I had an iron mandible clasped to my hand, holding me in place and searing me with it's frosty bite. 12 trips for ice and three ice trays later, my wrist looked like this.
Not as red as before, but still pretty painful. I started to look for alternatives for ice. I'm not saying the ice wasn't helpful, but I some how imaged that freezing my hand into a deadened state wasn't going to help thing heal too quickly. So in my journeys I came across some real clay. I don't know where I heard this, but I some what remembered that clay was supposed to be good for burns. I think it absorbs the heat and controls the pain. I've never used clay for a burn so I thought I'd give it a try. Let me be the first to tell you that it worked. It was so amazing! Getting it on was a little painful, but it was well worth the result. My hand was cold, with no more help from ice and in the middle of a summer day. It was simply amazing. Although my hand looked a little strange. I told anyone that asked that I had a fatal skin disease. Can you blame me?
It's been 24 hours since this whole thing began. My wrist still hurts, but only when I move or directly touch it. Hopefully I'll be as good as new tomorrow. Thanks for reading. <3

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